Parker's 'Move' for MND

Paul Parker-Musgrove 27th June 2015 This event has closed


Thank you for taking the time to visit our Just Giving page 😀 

As you probably already know my Dad Steve was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in September 2013. Since then the disease has progressed & he has suffered with the horrendous affects this horrible disease has on the body. We know that it is inevitably too late to find a cure in time for Dad, but on 27th June our family are doing a sponsored 'move' around West Park to raise valuable funds for The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) who have given Mum & Dad lots of support, from form filling & house adaptations to a listening ear for my selfless & amazing Mum, who has dedicated her life to loving & caring for Dad unconditionally since his diagnosis ❤️(Not that we ever expected anything less from her beautiful self!) 

The sponsored 'move' is pretty self explanitary, as long as your moving you can travel in your chosen way! Walking, wheelchair pushing, dog walking, cycling or running ... You choose! If you could spare any minutes of your day or pennies from your purse we would be very grateful & would love as many people as possible to join us there & make it a day to remember 😊 i know Mum especially would be eternally grateful for a good turnout of lovely friends & family ❤️💙💜💚

Any donations however big or small will be gratefully received & sent directly to The MNDA to help find a cure for this horrible disease & hopefully stop it shattering anyone elses family.

Lots of love & friendship hugs xxx

Nic xx


Paul Parker-Musgrove

15th September 2015
Hi everyone, Dad has asked me to send out a very big thank you for all your very generous donations & support for our fundraiser. We have raised far more than we ever expected & are truly humbled by your kindness & support ❤️ Love to you all Nic xx

Paul Parker-Musgrove

4th June 2015
To all or lovely friends & family that have sent very generous & kind donations....... From the bottom of all our hearts, thank you ❤️💜💛💙💚